Call For Papers
Mathematical Knowledge Management is an innovative field at
the intersection of mathematics, computer science, library
science, and scientific publishing. Its development is
driven, on the one hand, by new technological possibilities
which computer science, the Internet, and intelligent
knowledge processing offer, and, on the other hand, by the
increasing demand by engineers and scientists for new
techniques to help in producing, transmitting, consuming,
and managing sophisticated mathematical knowledge.
The conference is concerned with all aspects of mathematical
knowledge management. Topics covered include, but are not
limited to:.
- Representations of mathematical knowledge
- Repositories of formalized mathematics
- Mathematical digital libraries
- Diagrammatic representations
- Multi-modal representations
- Mathematical OCR
- Mathematical search and retrieval
- Deduction systems
- Math assistants, tutoring and assessment systems
- Authoring languages and tools
- MathML, OpenMath, and other mathematical content standards
- Web presentation of mathematics
- Data mining, discovery, theory exploration
- Computer algebra systems
- Collaboration tools for mathematics
- Challenges and solutions for mathematical workflows
MKM 2010 welcomes research papers and workshop proposals
with links to the above topics. The conference proceedings
will be published in the Springer-Verlag series Lecture
Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI). In addition to the
formal proceedings published by Springer, we intend to make
online versions of the published papers available from the
conference website.
More information about the MKM conference series can be
found at MKM Interest Group Webpage.
Submission Categories
Papers may be submitted in one of three categories: full
papers, short papers or system descriptions.
Both full papers and system descriptions should not exceed
15 pages, must be original and not be submitted for
consideration elsewhere. Full or system description papers
that are accepted will be published in the conference
proceedings. A submission not accepted as a full paper or
system description will automatically be considered as a
short paper.
Short papers are of a less formal nature. They are intended
to provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of
works in progress or ideas that are not (yet) in a suitable
form for submission as a full or system description paper.
They may be up to 5 pages in LNCS style. Depending on the
number of short papers accepted, presentation may be as a
short talk or as a poster. It will be at the discretion of
the programme committee to decide whether individual short
papers will be accepted for presentation only or for
presentation and publication in the conference proceedings.
The development of working systems in the field of
Mathematical Knowledge Management is a major undertaking of
significant value to our community. Papers describing such
systems, however, are particularly difficult to compare to
non-system development based research with respect to
criteria common in reviewing. For this reason, papers in the
system description category will be considered separately
and an evaluation of their special contribution with be
taken into account in the review process.
Criteria used in Reviewing
Criteria to be considered in reviews will include:
Relevance to the conference,
Clarity (readability and organization),
Technical quality and soundness,
Originality and innovation,
Impact of ideas or results, and
Impact of resources released.
This last criterion relates to any resources collected,
developed or produced during the research described that
will be released to the community. While it is relatively
unusual for papers accepted at a conference to release such
resources, it is a service to the community and we would
like to encourage authors to do so.
Review Process
Authors must submit an abstract by the abstract submission
The full paper, of any of the three categories, should be
received by the paper submission date.
Authors will then be sent initial reviews of their
Authors then have the option of, within one week, submitting
a single response to the reviews, limited to 500 words, in
which they can clarify any issues or questions that the
reviewers had about their submission. This response can be
submitted only once and cannot thereafter be resubmitted or
Final reviews and acceptance rejection decisions will be
sent to the authors by the final notification date.
Submission Details
By submitting a paper the authors agree that if it is
accepted at least one of the authors will attend the
conference to present it.
All submissions (except workshop proposals) must be
formatted according to the guidelines used by Springer
Verlag for their LNCS and LNAI series. This format can be
found at
Submission website: