CICM 2010 is now over.
General Information
After CICM 2008 in
Birmingham and CICM
2009 in Grand Bend Ontario, the 2010 edition of Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics will be held in
Paris during the week starting monday July 5.
The Intelligent Computer Mathematics community comes from the
regrouping of several existing communities dealing with computer
manipulation of Mathematics.
The oldest community is Artificial Intelligence in Symbolic Computation
(AISC) which biennale conferences always had proceedings in Lecture
Notes in Artificial Intelligence published by Springer.
AISC's success gives rise to the Calculemus interest group which
started as an European Community project of the fourth and fifth PRCD
and has its yearly conferences which proceedings have often been
Scientific themes of AISC and Calculemus gave rise to the MKM European
Community project of the fifth PRCD. It is now organized as an interest
group with an annual conference which has been published by Springer.
The MKM community spread around the world and North American and Asian
researchers among the most famous in the domain joined the interest
Scientific themes of these three communities are relatively close and
it was often the case that their members published or were part of the
programme committee of several conferences.
Starting in 2008, the three programme committees decided to hold their
meetings in a common place in order to attract a wider audience and
stimulate collaborations within their members. They thus decided to
create Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics (CICM). In 2009,
the collaboration continued and in 2010, the organization is centered
around these three conferences.
Today, AISC is organized with a steering committee whereas MKM and
Calculemus have an interest group carrying the conference. Globally,
these communities have as members renown members of major research
institutions working around Computer Mathematics. As an example, the
ORCCA and Risc-Linz are the two biggest research centers in Computer
Algebra. Members of Intelligent Computer Mathematics contributed to
MathML norm of W3C which is the current standard for exchanging and
spreading mathematical formulas over the Web.